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Using Questions to Create Magic

Do you ever wish that you had a magic wand, that you could use to change anything, without needing to think, work hard or use a lot of energy or logic to make it happen? Just a blink of an eye, a wish, a spell, and it would change.

What if you could really actualise anything and everything by asking (and receiving)?

The other day I was going to go to stay at my friends apartment, which meant going up really big staircase with a suitcase that weights half my own weight. I wasn’t too excited about that, but at the same time I didn’t go into the energy of wrongness, worry or complaining.

Instead I very lightly and playfully asked “What would it take for a man to show up to help me with my suitcase when I get there?“, almost as a joke, while at the same time trusting that no matter what, I will have ease. Lo and behold, as I arrived at the door and was just about to open it, a man walked behind me, opened the door for me and asked if he can help me with my suitcase.

This may sound like a simple example, but you can apply this to everything in life; small things and big things. Just ask! Really, ask. Stop concluding that things have to go a certain way. Stop referring to the past; just because something happened (or didn’t happen) in the past, even if it was a 100 times, it doesn’t mean that today can’t be different. It just requires a change in the energy.

The universe is waiting for you to ask! It is such a magnanimous universe, but one of the basic rules is that if you don’t ask for something, universe can’t send it your way. Asking is the permission, and also your part of the deal; you say that you are willing to receive (if you are willing to receive).

What questions could you ask today? How many conclusions and decisions could you turn into open ended possibilities? Nothing has to be the way it has been or you presume it should be. When you stop presuming how things should go, and instead start asking questions, you open the door to magic and miracles. And really, to the adventure of living!

Here are some of my favourite questions for any situation:

  • What are the infinite possibilities with this?
  • What magic and miracles could show up here?
  • What else is possible?
  • What else can I choose today? What else can I change today?

Suffering is optional, but you do have to care about yourself enough to ask questions and be whatever is required to have the ease and possibilities you desire.