Blog in English, Talk to the Entities

Choosing lightness in the middle of drama and heaviness

The Hobbit -movies have been my favourites since I first saw them many years ago.

One of my favourite lines is “When did you let evil become stronger than you?” – which we could interpret here into when did you decide that because there is darkness, you shouldn’t be light?

When did you decide that because you feel the intensity, the drama, the suffering of everyone around you so much, you shouldn’t be joyful, happy, bright? What will change the world most, you becoming the same as everyone else, or you being what’s possible?

What choices are available to you, that are not available for others? What can you see, that no-one else does? If you don’t choose it, it will never be available for anyone else either.

One thing that keeps kicking my ass into choosing what I know to be possible and not giving up on it is Talk to the Entities classes. I don’t know how exactly they do that, but they just do. It’s a constant invitation to choose what is light, what is true, and not let anyone or anything dim that light.

Lately I’ve also come to notice that not everyone desires this. Many of us rather give up on ourselves to fit in. To live in the past. To maintain what has been. I get that unknown and undefined future can seem scary. Or maybe it’s actually exciting? Too exciting? Too enlivening?

As long as you live in a lie, lying to yourself about you and pretending to not know what you actually do know, and pretending that it’s not possible, all the lies of the world will continue to control you. If you were aware of everything, could anyone lie to you? Could anyone control you? Could anyone hurt you? Only you can. By choosing unawareness.

What would you like to be for you? What would you like to be in the world?