Blog in English

Are you being lied to?

Do you actually care if you are being lied to?

What are you protecting by accepting lies? Do you listen to and accept lies from people and society around you to avoid breaking reality?

I’m amazed by the extend to which people are willing to believe lies because it’s more comfortable and predictable that way. How about you?

Some tools:

  1. One way to know if you are being lied to is when you get angry but don’t really get why. That’s a great lie detector! How many news you read make you angry? Before you read it, ask “truth?”.
  2. Those things that really twist your world in a weird way are usually lies with truths attached, or truths with lies attached. This makes it especially wonky because you sense that part is true and part is lie. Ask; which part of this is true and which part of this is a lie?
  3. If someone lies to you, you don’t have to fight them. You just need to acknowledge that oh okay this is a lie. You don’t have to make it true, and you don’t have to rub it in the person’s face. Be clear in your own world.

And if you’re feeling courageous; how many lies about you are you believing to maintain your current life?

What is your reality?

The only place where real possibilities exist is the undesired, uncomfortable truth.

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