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Contact me – details here What if you could change everything with way more ease than you think is possible? What if there is no right or wrong time, but just choice?
Contact me – details here What if you could change everything with way more ease than you think is possible? What if there is no right or wrong time, but just choice?
I was recently asked what has changed during the 5 years since I took my first Access Bars class in 2014. My first though was “Oh wow! How to shortly explain how everything changed?” Here are some of the first things that came to mind! I could say that some of the first changes was… Read More What changes has Access Bars created for me?
How do I seem to others? How often do you think and wonder what other people think of you? What they think of what you say, what you do, how they will react when… ? And then we are told that “You should not care about what others think!” – however no-one really tells us… Read More Do you wonder what other people think of you?
Have you ever dreamed of moving to some other country? I did, my whole life, since as young as I can remember. At the age of 20 I packed a suitcase and a backpack, and spent two years moving back and forth between Scotland and Spain! Though at first I thought I was just emigrating… Read More Are you running away from problems, or towards possibilities?
Are you judging your body for the way it would like to move? Are you trying to force your body to do the same things as everyone else? Go for gym 3 times a week, go for a jog, do stretching… Do you sense resistance when you do this? Is it you resisting and being… Read More What if your body would like to climb trees?
Do you use your mind as your main creation tool? Are you going in circles there? When you find yourself stuck in your work or creations, what if you took your body out to move, and allowed your body to show you different possibilities? So often we focus on doing and working with our minds,… Read More Your body as a tool for awareness and creation
Joskus kehosi valitsee jotakin aivan erilaista kuin sinä olisit halunnut valita. Tälläisissä tilanteissa voit joko suuttua kehollesi, tai voit kysyä kysymyksiä. Kuvittele että sinä ja ystäväsi suunnittelette juhlaa yhdessä, ja yhtäkkiä ystäväsi sanoo ettei hän pääsekkään tulemaan, koska hänen täytyy mennä jonnekkin muualle. Miten reagoit? Mitä teet tälläisissä tilanteissa? Suututko samantien ystävällesi ja syytätkö häntä… Read More Syytätkö kehoasi?
Sometimes your body chooses something very different than what you wanted to choose. In those situations you can either get angry at your body, or you can ask questions. For a second imagine that you and your friend are planning a party together and suddenly your friend says that she can’t come, because she needs… Read More Do you blame your body?
Onko olemassa jotain, joka estää sinua saamasta sitä, mitä todella haluaisit? Jotain, joka estää sinua luomasta unelmiesi elämää? Sanotko koskaan “Jos vain minulla olisi… Jos vain minä olisin… sitten voisin saada sen mitä haluan“? Jos jatkuvasti kuulet ja teet perusteluita ja tekosyitä, jotka pidättävät sinua luomasta mitä haluaisit, tai miksi et voi aloittaa vielä, saatat… Read More Tekosyiden loppu
Luominen, luovuus ja mistä se tulee ovat olleet esillä maailmassani paljon viime aikoina. Olen huomannut olevani todella rentoutunut, ja luonut niin paljon enemmän kuin yleensä teen, melkein huomaamatta, koska se tapahtuu niin helposti. Koska en yritä pakottaa mitään. Kuuntelen vain kuiskauksia projekteiltani ja kaikkialta ympäriltäni, ja toimin perustuen siihen mikä on tarpeellista missäkin tilanteessa. Usein… Read More Rentoudesta luominen