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What changes has Access Bars created for me?

I was recently asked what has changed during the 5 years since I took my first Access Bars class in 2014. My first though was “Oh wow! How to shortly explain how everything changed?” Here are some of the first things that came to mind!

I could say that some of the first changes was that I got rid of all my allergies. I was super allergic to animals, many foods, pollen… I got completely rid of it all and within 6 months I was living with cats and dogs (literally!).

I started my own business, which I never thought I could do, in just two weeks and moved to Spain to do Bars sessions as my main income.

And then over the years the business has grown, I’m now a Certified Facilitator and Talk to the Entities facilitator, with classes in both Finland and abroad, and I have the honour to work with Access in other ways too.
And beyond all those more tangible changes, the fact that I can be happy in pretty much any situation keeps blowing my mind! There is so much less thinking going on in my head, and there is such a trust in my awareness, and that consciousness will contribute to me, like I contribute to consciousness.

I had always dreamed of finding a way to contribute to other people and make everyone’s lives better, especially when I could see that they were looking for something and just not quite finding it – this is what I kept looking for, and with Access tools, I finally found a way to contribute to everyone and everything around me that actually works! I would say that for me that has been the biggest change, and way more than a dream come true.

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