Blog in English

Are you dipping your toes into possibilities?

Past few weeks I have been constantly looking at the choice of being a facilitator.

What is it really? What do I desire to create? Where am I facilitating and where am I doing something else, like getting my point of view across or filling my schedule with classes so that I don’t have to be present with myself.

You can never really facilitate before you get interesting point of view. Space, where you have no point of view. Access is not about teaching or telling anyone how to be or do something. It’s about creating greater possibilities; creating a world where everything is possible.

Being this catalyst of change in the world is what I have always dreamed about, and is one of the reasons why I so love the Access Consciousness Certified Facilitators (CF) class. And why I in some ways ”take it seriously” – not really that seriously, but I do ask a lot of questions, spend time with the CF survey and different manuals from classes, and write a lot (which is my way of processing stuff). Get honest and present with myself about what I am choosing and what do I truly desire.

And this class is shaking the foundations of how I be, already now one month before. What if nothing I have defined as real is? What if what my life currently is, is just a limitation and restricted reality of what it could be?

There is always so much more, and it feels like I just dipped my toes in what I thought was just a pond but actually is an ocean of possibilities. While knowing that I actually can swim, and the only reason that I’m not swimming in that ocean already is that I’m not choosing it. Where are you just dipping your toes into possibilities instead of leaping right into it?

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