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A Story of a Girl, a Pearl, and Emeralds

Once upon a time there was a girl, who dreamed of a world where receiving reigned. She was always trying to show everyone how amazing they are, and how much greatness there was for them to receive, but most were more interested in believing that they are limited beings, and that the dramas and traumas of lives lived were more real than the space of graciously receiving.

She started to believe that maybe these people were right. Maybe she lived in a fantasy world. Maybe her dreams were delusional. So she tried to be more like others, more real, pretending, mostly just convincing herself, that she is normal, she is just as destructive as everyone else is trying to be, and for heavens sake she is definitely not light.

Little did she know that the light, the gift and the power of receiving was right there, inside her, always. No matter how much she fought against it.

One day she travelled to Berlin, where she met a magical lady, who made pearl jewellery. There was one particular pearl that immediately made her smile. It was one big pearl from the South Sea, in a golden necklace. The lady suggested that she try it on for a day.

The gold chain though wasn’t quite right, so the next day she asked to try another one. And immediately lost it. Oh no! Someone trusted their golden creations in her hands, and she went and lost it! A nightmare.

A series of questions and clearings commenced with a good friend, and then she finally asked for help from some of her friends to find the necklace. Even the lady, who had made the necklace, helped. She wasn’t mad at all, but instead had so much allowance and curiosity to explore what had happened. She knew without the girl ever telling her that things like this were not like her at all. She knew what the girl was really like, even though the girl herself tried to hide it. And instead of making the girl wrong, she gifted her a lipstick that she produces, as a gift.

The girl was a bit embarrassed; now everyone was helping her and contributing to finding the pearl, and even giving her gifts in the process. Please, don’t gift this much to me. It is not normal in this world. Believe what I believe about me; I can not receive like this.

After many questions and spaces opened, many Access Consciousness clearing tools used, the necklace was found by a truly magical gentleman, who has always been a gift beyond gifts in this girl’s world; a little like a shining pearl that always made her smile. The pearl got cozy on her chest, and became a dear friend.

Some days later the girl travelled to Rome. There a wizard from Australia had a jewellery show, and before the girl could even notice, she had a gold and emerald necklace getting cozy around her neck; the same necklace she had seen a few months earlier, but didn’t even dare to try on, thinking that it must be out of her reach. Rejecting the receiving that was her true nature.

But there it was, sparkling around her neck, making everyone who saw it smile – and the girl smiling even more. She started to receive more than she had ever before, and her head started to spin. You see, for a while she had been asking to stop avoiding herself, and to receive more. Here that ask was becoming a reality, yet in a totally different way than she could have ever imagined. She chose to follow the lightness, and said yes.

But alas, the girl’s bank was controlling her money like a goldsick dragon. She tried everything she could, but they wouldn’t change their mind, they wouldn’t let go, they wouldn’t let her pay for the necklace. Someone else might have thought that this is a sign that she should not buy the necklace; in other words, her ask and her choice to follow the lightness was wrong. However, the girl had encountered situations like this before too, and she knew that sometimes making a different choice and creating a different life and future takes some work.

Eventually she came up with a different plan to pay for the necklace; that however would take more time. At first she was frustrated, but then she had a epiphany. No matter what it takes, no matter how much work it takes, no matter what dragons, trolls, treacherous mountain passes show up, she is choosing this. She is having this. She will receive. Whatever comes up, whatever shows up in the way, she will go through it. This choice means more to her than anything that would make her quit or give up. Even if it means not having the necklace immediately; she knew she would find a way, and time became irrelevant.

The girl explained the situation to the wizard and asked if she should hand the necklace over until she has managed to move all the money, but the wizard immediately replied ”No. You are different. We trust you.

Wow! This opened the girl’s world to perceive herself beyond what she had allowed her to perceive ever before – this is what I am! I always wished I could be this way. But instead of it just being a wish, what if it was a knowing of self, that she had not believed could be real? With these words the wizard had gifted her something way more valuable than any gold or emeralds.

The necklace around her neck, she could sense the gold and the emeralds pushing more and more tightly, but ever so spaciously, into her being and body too, releasing so much of the lies of not receiving. Not being a gift.

Sometimes one must make a choice that is way bigger than one thinks one can handle. Only choosing something that you have never chosen before, can you find what you are truly capable of. The trick is, you will not be able to see the path before you start.

The girl laughed, she cried, she travelled through spaces and universes, she was in awe. She even went through a moment of nearly dying while she tried to disbelieve what she already knew. Luckily she had friends and all sorts of conscious companions, that she is learning to receive more and more from, so she even got over dying. And found the gift of living that lives within what one as an infinite being can infinitely receive.

With her heart more open than ever before, with sparkles and so much adoration and gratitude in her eyes, she is ready to explore how much more magical and miraculous world she can now create – by being the gift that receives, which is not passive at all but being a constant state of choice and action.

May you also find the fortunes of receiving within, and let the beauty, joy, pleasure and glory of being a gift that receives to reign.