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Treasures of Conciousness

What would it be like to discover the treasures of consciousness? 

What does it mean to choose consciousness? To give up all your possessions, to disregard your body, to meditate in a cave 24/7? What do you think? What (unconscious) thoughts and beliefs do you have about what consciousness is, that stops you from receiving all of its magic and pleasures?

Throughout time many people have promoted the idea that in order to be conscious, you would have to give up everything that makes you happy, everything that brings joy to your body, and to suffer. As if suffering would lead you to glory. 

This road might work for some, but for most of us that is actually just a source of more judgement – which is pretty much the opposite of consciousness. Many of those who promote this idea of consciousness are those who never actually ventured into the treasures of consciousness.

There are many roads that lead into more consciousness; consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. It means that if meditating in a cave is fun for you and creates more lightness for you, go for it. If it doesn’t, find something else that actually makes you and your body happy!

Consciousness is actually your natural form. It is also the most common denominator in all molecules, in everything. Consciousness is something that the Earth, our planet has and is. Naturally, without working hard at it.

Does the Earth, this big, beautiful planet full of consciousness, desire you to be sad? To suffer? Does it judge you? It doesn’t. It gifts abundantly and without reservations. But instead of receiving and saying thank you, you reject. Constantly. One of the ways of rejecting the gifts of this planet and consciousness is to think that you are not worthy of it, or that there is something wrong with you. Or because you glorify suffering, or believe that there are problems that you must overcome and solve before you receive more.

Do you know what is one of the greatest gifts this planet has given you? Your body. It’s a source of consciousness and possibilities unlike anything else. It could be your greatest companion and a tool – if you didn’t judge it. If you didn’t believe everything that you are told, by others, about your body. About what it is capable of.

Consciousness is very much about Earthly pleasures. I don’t mean taking from others to have more for you. I mean enjoying. Enjoying everything, even at the face of difficulties and problems. This is your choice. No-one can make you enjoy your life and your body, this must be your internal choice. What is the value of avoiding it?

The happier you are, the lighter you are, the more you are being you, and the more conscious you are. As consciousness is also YOUR natural form. 

The idea of Access Consciousness tools, processes and classes is literally for you to gain access to your consciousness and awareness – not to make you something you are not, but to let go of all the stuff you have taken on, built over yourself like a facade, used to stray away from the gift of consciousness that you could be, for you and for everyone else too.

Would you be willing to discover the treasure of consciousness called you?