Blog in English, Talk to the Entities

New reality with life and death

A friend of mine died yesterday.

And this post may be offensive or uncomfortable for some of you. If that’s the case, just stop reading. Choose what works for you!

In the reality that has been surrounding us for a long time, this death of my friend would have been dramatic and tragic as she was a young, sweet being, who got cancer. In this reality we think that things just happen, randomly, and that you need to take what you can while you can, because you never know what horrible things might happen to you.

Except this wasn’t a horrible thing that happened. It was a choice. Both the cancer and the death were choices that this beautiful being made. And when we don’t acknowledge that, when we go into drama and trauma of it, we take away her choice, capacity to create, disempower everyone and fall back into lies. Into something that is not a necessity anymore.

We make ourselves victims of outside situations, trapping ourselves in our own, hand-made jails.

Death is not an end. It’s transformation. It’s change. This friend of mine no longer has a body, but she didn’t just disappear into thin air. She still exists, just in a different way. Many people will try to ignore her now, because they can’t “see” her.

When I heard about this, I acknowledged my friend for making a choice for something that works for her at this moment. And then I reached out to her and had a chat with her. Beautiful moment of gratitude with what this being gifted me during her time in a body. Yup, hello, my name is Satu and I talk with ghosts. You could too, it’s actually one of the easiest things in the world!

It only requires you to let go of your definitions of how the world works, to re-check what you think is real. To let go of the upset of death and dying.

If you could continue having relationships with people who have died, and talk with them, could you be sad about their choice to die? It for sure is different, there is no longer a body to touch, but the person is still there. And it for sure takes courage, to allow people around you, people that you care about, to choose whatever they desire. Not trying to control them. But what are you most interested in? Empowering people, or you being able to maintain your comfort zones?

I’m not saying that I didn’t cry. I did, however not from pain or despair. I cried because sometimes staying strong in your awareness and what you know will create greater is like being an open wound in storm winds. Raw. And beautiful.

I’m asking for a different world to show up.

I am asking for is that we take off our blinders and stop avoiding our awareness about what death really is. I am asking for the fear of entities and ghosts (or those who talk with them) to be “old science”; just like we now look back at those times when everyone thought that the Earth was flat, we could look back at these times as the dark ages of entity-awareness. And have a little laugh at how blind we were.

Our world is far more beautiful and miraculous than what we have been allowing ourselves to perceive, know and be.

Where have you hidden your awareness? All those things you know, but chose to forget?

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