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A Story of Your Body

On this planet you can choose to receive a gift that is priceless. You don’t have to pay anything for it, it is just your choice if you would like it or not. It’s a gift for you for choosing to be on this planet. As with any real gift, you get to choose what you to do with it. There are no strings attached, no rules, no guidebooks.

The name of this gift is “body”. It is like the planet, only in smaller form. It holds the same energies and same endless possibilities. It’s alive. It breathes, like this planet. You can breathe with it. It can create new life, just like this planet. 

It responds to mysterious alchemy of substances that you choose to feed it. It’s telepathic! It communicates just like this planet; without words, with a gentle insistence of energy. It responds to every energy you feed it, every thought, and point of view. 

There are many schools, ideologies and theories about what this gift is. None of which seem to be able to comprehend in its full glory the incredible miraculous possibilities of this key called body.

It is not like you are! 

Some have created this calculating system called “mind”, and use that to try to decipher the mysteries of bodies. But the body doesn’t function from algorithms, or logic and therefore this calculation system always falls short in its task. It is not its fault. It’s just not fit for this job. 

Many struggle in their attempt to harness this gift. Many get so lost with it and start seeing it as a curse. It is complex, that is for sure! But it doesn’t function well with order. Chaos is its inconceivable fuel. 

And there is something else almost no-one tells you about. 

Have you ever wished you had someone in your life who totally had your back, who was always there for you, who cared about you truly, who would jump on all adventures you would like to go on without hesitation, who could add magical sparkles and open unseen possibilities everywhere where you look, gift you more awareness and insight when you seem lost? Who could be your guide to the mysteries of this planet and living here?

Your body is here for you for this very purpose. And so much more! It is just waiting for your invitation to start co-creating your life together, on this beautiful planet.

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