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What Are You Willing to Receive?

The things you are not willing to receive stop the abundant flow of life 
If you want to have an abundant life, are you truly willing to have it ALL? All of life, the good, bad, right, wrong, beautiful, ugly, intense, light, black and white and all the shades of grey. The imaginable and unimaginable. Being abundant doesn’t mean having only the things that you think (have judged) to be good, valuable or desirable.
What is it that you would truly like to have? Those things that you have judged as valuable, or everything? The things, people, ideas, whatever it is that you are not willing to receive is where you stop the flow of receiving. Receiving everything is the key element to abundant, BIG life.
What if you didn’t have any point of view about what you can and can’t receive and have?
For me, this has been a big one. When I started to embrace absolutely everything, more started to show up in my life. This included health problems, quitting my dream studies, people dying, loneliness, sadness, judgements from others and myself, and total breaking down -moments. But it also created amazing ease with my body and being, relationships, money, and all sorts of experiences and contribution beyond my wildest dreams. And so much fun! And a desire to actually live, to be able to experience this ALL, and more.
I truly want to have it all, not just the “good” things because I realised that I’m here to live, to truly live, to experience everything and to play with everything. When I was only willing to receive the things I had decided are good or valuable, I was cutting of so much receiving that I couldn’t even receive all of these so called good things. I was controlling what I can and can’t receive.
I for example totally resisted relationships, all sorts of relationships. I had decided that I can do everything on my own and I don’t need anyone. And that was a total rejection of huge amount of the energies that the universe wanted to gift me.
It’s been an amazing journey of pushing down my barriers, being vulnerable to allow myself to receive from other people. And the truth is, this is only the beginning. I’m learning and playing with this everyday.
To receive is to receive everything. This brings questions like “but isn’t there all these bad things and energies that I should protect myself from?” and “If I receive just everything, won’t I lose my control?”
Receiving is not the same as holding onto something.


If you receive everything, it doesn’t mean that you lock those things into your body or being. It also doesn’t mean that you accept or agree with anything. You simply acknowledge that all of these things, people and energies exist. They don’t need to have any effect on you. You can receive them, and let them go just as fast. I doesn’t need to take energy or time, if you just keep your barriers down, relax, have no point of view about anything, and let it all flow as parts of this play of life.
What is the value of the need to protect and to control? Not to get hurt? Not to get “bad energy”? When you receive you can’t judge anything. You have to to let go of  and push down all barriers, meaning that anything and everything can come in. This may take some courage to do since you can’t really know beforehand what you are going to receive. To receive you need to be vulnerable and totally open to let it all in, and brave enough to let it all go as well.
Can you receive judgements from other people? Can you receive their points of view about you? Without making it to mean anything? If you are not willing to receive everything, including judgements, you have to cut of your awareness and make you less conscious because unwillingness to receive is unwillingness to see everything, and to cut of pieces of world and life.
Are you afraid of letting other people see you, and maybe letting YOU see you? If you receive everything, it means that you also receive yourself, and your body.
What is the value of not receiving?


In this reality we are not taught to receive. It’s all about giving to others, because that makes you a good person. But who is receiving all that giving and gifting? What if the biggest gift you could give to someone was to receive them totally? Isn’t that exactly what we all are looking for? That someone receives us?

What if that was the greatest gift you could give someone (and you)?
When you give someone a gift or offer them something and they refuse it or say no thanks, what does that create in your world? How long will you keep trying to gift them until you give up? What if that’s what the universe is doing? You didn’t receive the gifts it was pouring to you so it started pouring them elsewhere, just waiting for you to be able to receive them? Luckily the universe is not like people; when someone didn’t receive you before, how long are you willing to just wait until they are ready to receive? Or do you just completely give up and never try to give them anything again?


When you receive other people it creates space in their world.
For me this is a never ending play; everyday I ask myself how much more am I willing to receive? Where am I cutting of my receiving? What am I judging here? Because I would truly like to have total freedom with EVERYTHING.
Practise receiving

The only real way to “learn to receive” is to CHOOSE to do and be that RIGHT NOW, at this very moment, and then choose it again and again and again. I wonder what this could change in your life? Have fun practising 😉

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