Blog in English

The Gift of Being You

At the classes in Mexico I met Dain Heer, and I got one of the biggest gift I’ve ever had. 


The gift of being me


Having me


Being so grateful of having me and being me


Knowing it’s okay to be me even though I’m hella weird


And that that weirdness is actually a capacity and a gift


This created such level of peace and harmony in me and also my body that all I could do was to sigh.. And it took away this need to try to be something else that I had judged to be more valuable than me.


After that I’ve had so much more available because I’ve been willing to SEE ME and see what I would really like to create and what capacities I actually have to start creating that. 


Would you like a different world? Something that works for you, and for all of us? It’s not only encouraged to be you, but it’s actually REQUIRED. And what if being you was much easier than you thought? What if that is the most effortless way of being and living?


Here is a four minute videoclip from Dain Heer of what it means to be you. I’m sure you’ve heard so many times that “just be you” but had anyone ever explained what they even mean by that?


You’re so beautiful! Why wouldnt you be you, for you, and let others enjoy it too?

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