Blog in English

Undoing limited subconscious programming with Access Bars®

Are you ever confused when you try to interact with other people? Wonder how some situations went the way they did? How did your partner get angry again at you? How come no-one ever sees you? Why do people react to you in ways that make no sense to you? Maybe you feel like most people never understand you?

I see this especially clearly when I watch movies. Most of the time they make no sense to me. How did that action lead into that reaction? How does that person think like that based on that? It makes no sense. It’s like this purposeful, constant misunderstanding just for the sake of creating upset and drama. Same occurs in real life too.

What creates this unnatural telenovela life?

Most people function from the autopilot program that runs these autoresponses; when this happens, then this. When this is said, you say this. When this person does this, it means this. Then you need to do this. Then they need to respond in this way. On and on. 

You might end up taking action or saying something that doesn’t match the program the person you are interacting with has, and suddenly they get angry at you, or react in ways that leave you confused. You wonder, why does this person never seem to understand you? It seems as if they deliberately turn everything you say upside down.

When you don’t have the same program as the person you are interacting with has, or any program, it doesn’t make sense as none of it is natural. These programs are not based on what is real and natural. They are based on algorithms, on computer reality. 

How have we ended up here? What is the purpose of this? 

The purpose of functioning from automatic programs is that nothing ever changes. It is a system designed to maintain sameness, struggle, hatred, separation, conflict; polarity. 

Those parts of your life that don’t seem to change often have a program running it, and you are so used to it you don’t even notice. And nothing that matches the program gets in. 

Luckily we have Access Bars®!

Access Bars -session is designed to undo and release these unnatural, subconscious programs. This way you can start to be more natural, and in more connection to your true self. Your life can start to work out in ways it never did before. Limitations and difficulties start to melt away. 

As you no longer respond to the programs that other people around you are being run by, you become an algorithm interrupt. You will start noticing possibilities that you never saw before. You will start having true choice; no longer being in reaction, but in action. This is one of the greatest gifts you can be. It will start creating our world as a more balanced and sustainable reality, based on what is natural and what infinitely can be. 

Have you tried Access Bars yet?

My next Access Bars class is in English in Helsinki, January 20th.
Read more about that here.

Prefer a class in Finnish? Upcoming Access Bars classes in Finnish here.