Have you ever dreamed of moving to some other country? I did, my whole life, since as young as I can remember.
At the age of 20 I packed a suitcase and a backpack, and spent two years moving back and forth between Scotland and Spain! Though at first I thought I was just emigrating to Scotland for the rest of my life…
What I found out with all of this moving back and forth between countries (and sprinkling my clothes, shoes and books between them) is that
- It’s possible!
- It’s much easier than what we think
- It requires flexibility and letting go of points of view we have of how things should be
This moving constantly was a journey full of surprises and moments that required presence to catch the possibilities that were suddenly presented. It changed me fundamentally, and if I had not allowed that change to happen, it would have been very tough, or even impossible. To say that I learned a lot would be a total understatement.
I prepared my whole childhood and teenage years for moving abroad. While others started collecting cutlery and furniture to have in their future homes, I collected language knowledge, I studied countries, cultures, currencies, and what would be the easiest way to move somewhere else. I hated the country I was born to; I wanted to leave it as fast as possible and never look back.
On a beautiful August day in 2014 I moved to Edinburg, Scotland. I started studying acting and theatre. At first I couldn’t believe that I had finally actually managed to get out of Finland! Oh the joy!
But pretty soon this question started creeping into my mind: Does running away from something mean that you will find happiness in the opposite direction?
Turned out, it doesn’t. I got really bored with the studies. I could not really find anything in Scotland that would be worth staying for. Turned out, just running away from what you don’t like doesn’t mean you will automatically get what you do like. By constantly running away, I just got away. I was never arriving anywhere.
By this time I found Access Consciousness, and took my first Access Bars class. I started asking, What else is possible? The tools of Access were (and continue to be) such a gift during these times of change. They allowed me to let go of fixed points of view, and to find way out from situations where there seemed to be no possibilities.
I asked some questions, and got more honest with myself. I put the studies on a break, and went to Finland for a while, and then traveled to meet some of my friends in different countries. One of those countries was Spain – a country I had never had any interest in and I thought that I would just visit it once and be over with it.
Instead, I fell in love with it.
And some days later I found an ad on Facebook asking someone to go to southern Spain for the summer to do any kinds of alternative treatments or sessions. I emailed them right away and asked what do I need to do. This lead me into starting my business as an Access Bars Practitioner.
I spent the summer in Spain, running Bars, and was planning to go back to Scotland in the autumn to continue my studies. Throughout the summer an awareness kept growing, no matter how much I tried to ignore it. It was an awareness of where I had been lying to myself, and what I actually would like to have as my living.
Once I was back in Scotland, I knew that studying wasn’t really what would create my life as I would like it to be.
After some months (and many, many questions) I got invited to move to another place in Spain, this time up north. I spent 4 months there, and then headed to south of Spain again.
I started taking more Access Consciousness classes, and I looked at everything I had in my life and knew that it was not enough at all.
Then I got a call from Finland that my father was diagnosed with cancer, and it seemed that he would not live much longer. So I packed my suitcase and my backpack, all that I had owed for the past two years, and headed to Finland, after two years.
How strange it was to arrive to this country that I barely knew anymore! I couldn’t even speak the language properly anymore.
But I stayed. I kept thinking about moving to some other country, but nothing was calling me. Possibilities started simmering in Finland.. and after a year I acknowledged to myself that the future I desired to create included living in Finland. I committed to this land, to the possibilities here, and to also making my life into a fun adventure, no matter where I am.
How everything changed with this choice to commit! I am so happy here, and in fact, I am happy everywhere. I am at home everywhere. My happiness, or available choices, do not depend on the country I am living in anymore. I am the source for the creation of my life, not circumstances outside of me.
My life got so much bigger, when I admitted to myself what I actually desire. Then I was able to see what it actually takes to create it all.
You need to find out what you truly would like to have, and THEN go towards that. Instead of focusing on deleting what you hate from you life, what if you started adding what you do like?
7 tools for moving:
- Interesting point of view about everything
- Ask questions! What would it take for this to be easier than I ever thought possible? What are the infinite possibilities of this showing up with ease, joy and glory?
- Look into what is your reason for moving – be honest with yourself. Are you living from fantasy that moving will fix all your problems?
- Persistency – when you move to a new country, you will have to in some ways start from the beginning, and sometimes it takes a while to build everything up again.
- Attitude of Never give up, Never give in, Never Quit
- Let go of any expectations, projections, separations, judgements and rejections you have of what moving means, what living in another country means, what you think it will create for you
- Sense of adventure!
Stop running away from what you don’t like, and start running towards what you actually desire! No matter what the starting place is, you will get there.
Most importantly; what if no choice was right nor wrong, but everything was a way to create more awareness? You can always choose again!