Talk to the Entities – Introduction and Beginning

Did you grow up surrounded by people, who encouraged you to be aware of what you are aware of? Who taught you tools to deal with anything you might come across, in this world or in the world of spirits? Or were you shown how to avoid everything, and how to be as normal (and in pain) as possible?

Whichever the case (or maybe a combination of both) you grew up, there is some great news to you. You can always re-claim your awareness, find your own power, and learn to deal with anything, be it in this world or another, with great ease.

Talk to the Entities® is a curriculum that uses the transformative tools of Access Consciousness®, that helps you to open up your energetic capacities, leads you to your own awareness, and empowers you to become the leader of your own life in a very unique way; by becoming aware of and learning how to deal with entities and the entire spirit world.

At the Introduction class you will be introduced to the basic tools for handling entities and all of your awarenesses, and we will work through some of the main blocks and fears, that prevent you from having ease with the spirit world.

WHEN: June 13th 6:30pm-8pm EEST (check your local time here)
WHERE: Helsinki and Online (More info about the venue in Helsinki coming soon.)
PRICE: 95€ (includes recording)
Country pricing applies.
PRE-REQUISITES: None! TTTE Introduction is open to anyone with an interest.
Your host Miia Setälä will be happy to help you with everything. Please contact miia.setala @

After that, you are welcome to dive deeper into the spirit world and all of its possibilities at the Beginning class. We spend two days together uprooting and letting go of deeper blocks and traumas, getting to know the vast spirit kingdom (dead people, nature spirits, angels, demons and so much more), and head towards the lightness, magic, space and power of communication and receiving.

WHEN: June 13th 6:30pm-8pm EEST Introduction (check your local time here)
+ June 14th and 15th 10am-5:30pm EEST Beginning (check your local time here)
WHERE: Helsinki and Online (More info about the venue in Helsinki coming soon.)
PRICE: 1605€ (includes Introduction class, recordings and class manual)
Country pricing applies, repeat price valid for 24 months (-30%)
PRE-REQUISITES: Access Bars Class at any time
Your host Miia Setälä will be happy to help you with everything. Please contact miia.setala @

What is truly possible with perceiving, knowing, being and receiving with the spirit world?